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Bezmaksas palīdzība eksportam uz Ķīnu

07 marts 2025

LPUF Latvijas Pārtikas Klasteris ir noslēdzis sadarbības līgumu ar “EU SME Centre” par bezmaksas konsultācijām Latvijas mazajiem un vidējiem uzņēmumiem, kas vēlas uzsākt vai jau veic eksportu uz Ķīnu.

Lai precīzi aprakstītu pieejamo servisu, tālākais teksts ir angliski.

The EU SME Centre is a non-profit initiative funded under the European Union’s Single Market Programme (SMP) providing a comprehensive range of hands-on support services to European SMEs, assisting them to establish, develop and maintain commercial activities in the Chinese market. 

The key areas in which the project is active are: 

  • Knowledge Centre – Nearly 200 comprehensive market reports and case studies available.
  • Advice Centre – Getting SMEs prepared for the Chinese market through free access to experts.
  • Training Centre – Raising awareness of market opportunities and challenges in China through comprehensive workshops – online and offline.
  • SME Advocacy Platform – Providing a coherent, consistent, and consolidated voice for European SMEs.

EU SME Centre's team of experts provides practical advice and support services to assist SMEs’ business development needs, empowering them with the real knowledge and tools required to facilitate market access and increase competitiveness in the Chinese market, including: 

  • Business Development – Introducing key sector opportunities as well as potential challenges for European SMEs in China. Providing tools to develop and market business.
  • Legal Affairs – Providing first line information on the legal environment in China, offering confidential advice on legal issues with a focus on contracts, taxation, preliminary due diligence, entry modes, payment conditions, labour, dispute settlement and access to finance.
  • Standards – Helping SMEs navigate China’s standards and conformity assessment procedures, smoothing the way to get goods, services, and technology through Chinese customs and into the market.
  • Human Resources – Providing information about labour regulations and employment in China.
  • Access to a service providers directory and information databases.

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